This year, with the theater company 'Le Voyageur Debout,' I had the opportunity to play
Among books
Among books, I feel at home. Touching books, I feel like I'm caressing friends.
The Solution of Spring
The house was filled with cups,plates, vases, and teapots,stacked from floor to ceiling. She cared for
Giving young wings to ancient sounds.
Ushuaia, beginning and end: peace.
All Hands
All handsopen towards the oceanand close towards nothing. All the wavesbreak betweenmy feet. Sometimes, dancing,the Atlanticengulfs me. m.p.*
The Vertical Smile
My feet are a boatsliding through the galleryof an infinite exhibition. In my hands,the brush. Today I
Hondurian Vodoo
I hurt my hands from playing the drum so much, and my dancer friend from
A strange magic
Strange magic of the theater, that weaves a fabric that shields a world where every
Changing skin
To change skin, to change horizon as well. To eat a peach with the eyes.