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Creative Gardens

The blossoming of certain creations can sometimes feel almost instantaneous. Have you ever experienced this? It’s like when we ‘hear’ a new melody or a complete poem in a dream and then effortlessly we write it in its final form on paper.

However, most creations require a garden—fertile ground for them to truly flourish. We all aspire to create beautiful things and projects, but without a designated space or time, they might struggle to bloom. I refer to these spaces as ‘Our Creative Gardens’.

Sometimes, it’s as simple as opening a Word document and jotting down an idea to start with, and where you can come back. Other times, it might be carving out a 15-minute daily slot in your schedule. And occasionally, it’s about transforming a corner of your home into a creative sanctuary: a place specifically dedicated to creating X, whenever inspiration strikes.

When a friend or client shares their projects or biggest dreams with me, I always ask, “Do you have a garden for it? Start by creating a little garden! Maybe just a piece of paper with a title (and a little design on it 🌱🪻).” I love to buy a new Moleskine notebook of a specific colour as a first step for my ‘big long term’ projects.

Here are two of my little creative gardens where I experiment with colors, fabrics, jewels, textures, etc in my new home in Lisbon. I’m not a minimalist at all (actually I am quite baroque on everything haha); I find that having all my materials visible works best for me. Whenever I pass by, inspiration strikes—whether it’s a new combination or a curiosity about how one thing might look when paired with another. I don’t mind the occasional messiness; it’s all part of the creative process haha.

I hope they inspire you to cultivate your own creative garden today, wherever that may be!!

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