/  art   /  A dot, plus a dot, plus a dot
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A dot, plus a dot, plus a dot

A dot, plus a dot, plus a dot, creates infinity. However, the leap from the individual to the infinite is not always evident; at times, it can be painful and the source of dark obsessions. Yet, it can also serve as the foundation for extraordinary art, exemplified by the one and only Yayoi Kusama.

Recently, Gopal and I had the opportunity to visit a retrospective showcasing her remarkable seventy-year career at the Martin-Gropius-Bau here in Berlin, and we were utterly mesmerized. I first discovered Kusama during my university years, saving every dollar in Argentina to buy European art magazines. However, experiencing her installations and paintings up close was a transformative moment. I felt her desires, her gestures, her eagle-eyed perspective, and her indelible personality resonate within the vast landscape of contemporary art.

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