The Secret Temple

A shared ritual of purification and self-love


On this new Dynamic Tantra evening meeting, we want to honour together the wonders of our body, this magnificent temple which has lovingly carried us to this present moment and which is the vehicle for any spiritual awakening.

The intention of this ritual is to honour our body in its fullness.

Are we capable of honouring ALL of our body, from the tiniest hair to our long limbs, its smell, its form, its story? It is not always easy. Culture, family, partners can make us feel ashamed of some parts of our body. Judgements might be made about some of our unique features. “Your breasts are too big, or too small, you are not fit enough, or maybe you are not tanned enough! Don’t touch your genitals, it’s dirty, don’t show your tongue, it’s impolite!”

We will build together a sacred space to be able to honour all of our body and shower it with love and tenderness.

The session will end with a Tantric Meditation to balance our inner body.
