When dreams come true
Sometimes dreams come true, but in ways we never imagined. Who would have thought I would be living in Lisbon
A world upside down
How to respond to a world that is upside down? An inspiration. * To fear, respond with your surrender. To stagnation, respond with your
On the Multidimensionality of Rattles
This weekend, I would like to share something about one of the instruments I hold dear: the rattles, in the
We are Losing your Data
Do not copy from others; instead, be inspired. Don’t feel intimidated by the brilliance or creativity of others, and do
On the Nature of Sound Creation
An inspiration for this Sunday on the nature of sound creation: In Confronting Silence (1), a collection of writings by the
Creative Gardens
The blossoming of certain creations can sometimes feel almost instantaneous. Have you ever experienced this? It's like when we 'hear'
On The Power of Music Over Space
A reflection on the power of music over space this Sunday:
The Broadest Wings
The most privileged viewpoint of the world:poetry.The broadest wings:the words and soundsthat fly, dance,explode, and singwithout intending to say anything,without
What is Tantra?
What is Tantra? What is not? One possible answer. Thanks Dr. Christopher Wallis for your guidance, devotion, and support to
To Live is to Fall
To live is to fall. To gracefully surrender to be taken by the warm violet river, that has no end
The Underworld
You cannot plunge into the underworld with a suitcase clutched in one hand and a rope in the other. The birds of Nothingness
The world is about to change radically once again, can you feel it? This is the perfect moment to let
She Enters with Tiger Strides
Calm and powerful, she enters with tiger strides into the palaces of the heart. Her steps thunder in the soul resonating throughout the earth. With unwavering
Tantric colours
Mesmerised by the colours and evocative power of this Leaf from the Devi Mahatmya, "Homage of the Gods". Guler, circa 18508.8
I believe we may have overlooked the most significant news of the year: a new neighborhood has been discovered in
YES to roses
Yes. Yes to receiving sublime flowers for no reason. Yes to help, love, and support. Yes to gallantry. Yes to
Painting the Soundscape
The magic of crafting your own stands for each concert lies in the ability to create a unique physical landscape
I am a Dminor person
I have always been a D Minor person: D-F-A. D represents the potential of what has just emerged from C, F
In Argentina, we dance folk dances with handkerchiefs, a tradition some poets have affectionately called "la paloma de las manos"
Life is a fractal
It seems that life truly is a fractal. If we accept this axiom, then all wisdom, regardless of its origin,
A dot, plus a dot, plus a dot
A dot, plus a dot, plus a dot, creates infinity. However, the leap from the individual to the infinite is
In the face of strangeness,one sheds their skin.What is unsustainablebecomes a cocoonand prepares to fall. m.p. *
Rattle Friends
Purification Ritual of My Rattle Friends! 🐍 The Chajchas at the base of the “tree image,” crafted from goat hooves, have
To Alejandra Pizarnik
All the ice creamsthat Borges never ate,I indulge in now;a poet without feetis a monsterwith wings.I savor the cold,while you
Guanyin Tea room
Today, I had fun creating a space to welcome my clients and have tea before a session, under the beautiful
Alice’s Recension
Alice in Wonderland, translated by Emmanuèle Sandron, illustrated by Valeria Docampo, edited by Alice Éditions, Belgique, 2020. Recreating Lewis Carroll’s fantastical
The Flight of the Soul
Perhaps only dance can express the flight of the soul. Blessed be the dance.
The Descending of the Devils
I take you today to Uquía, Jujuy, Argentina, for a ritual known as the "Descending of the Devils of Uquía".
Drums in Poland
Some minutes before the Opening Ceremony of the International Tantra and Shamanism Festival in Poland with this amazing team of
Making Meditation Work Online
Here are some behind-the-scenes glimpses of the creative process for our upcoming online meditation experiment, "The Tantric Mirror," inspired by
Breath, Movement, Sound
Friends, let’s remember the three Tantric Keys: BREATH, MOVEMENT, and SOUND! Any practice—whether dancing, making love, cooking, playing music, taking a
This is just a Play
Midnight Conversation Tantra says: - Relax, this is just a PLAY.- Really? And who is playing?- You. This is a One-Player game.-
When everything falls apart
I remember it vividly. My body recalls that moment when everything I knew shattered in an instant. It was December 2001,
Encarnada, bienllegada a la fiesta otra vez inofensiva anaconda dorada. Reencarnada, musculada con patas de cabra enroscada en tu pelo, odiada. Coronada por papagayos soñada por maria bethania. Pampa trópico lazo metáfora m.p. *
Psychomagical Conversation with My Womb
- Me: Hi, my womb!- Womb: Hi there!- Me: I wanted to share that, yes, we’re over 40 now, but
You will find me hidden
You will find me hiddenin the corner of a stoneor in the crease of a letter.There I will rise to
A thousand and one times
A thousand and one timesI kissed your handsand let them slip away.I am the one who conqueredthe lion on that
Little German Artists
End of the Literature Berlin Festival in technicolor, my belly full of butterflies and my hands full of gratitude for
Berlin Literary Vibes
Unforgettable moments in the reading of La Vallée des Moulins at the Berlin International Literature Festival! The wonderful images by
You and I
You and I, you and I. A single star can illuminate the entire planet. You and I, you and I. A monkey can
Russian Dance
My mother's dream was for one of her daughters to be a Bolshoi dancer, but the dance teacher told her,
The Violet Instant
Only an instant, sublime and violet,will explode all misery into petals. m.p. *
The Art of Dedications
Amazed by these small works of art collected at the Villeurbanne Book Fair in these wonderful books, which will be
Stardust Again
Beautiful dance performance based. on my book In Garden der Pusteblumen. The stories we write no longer belong to us
Who breathes your bodywhen you dance,medusa? m.p * Music: Bibo No Aozora (Bibo No Aosora) by Ryuichi Sakamoto, 1995.Image: Mallika Paritosh.
Zamba del Presente
Galopando entre el día y la noche por la pampa redonda del cielo hay un niño jinete del tiempo que me invita a
At home
Now I feelat home with everyone. I invite all to my tablebecause I have stopped hatinganyone. I have identified the seed:a tiny
Cannot Invent Passion
Souvenirs of a magical night with my hermanito del alma, el Cuervo Pajón in Toulouse. You cannot invent passion.
Perfekt? Pusteblume!
I am truly touched by the project of the Ministerium für Bewegungsforschung und Ästhetik in Weimar: 'Perfekt? Pusteblume!' based on
Meeting Le Grand Élephant
Memories of an après-midi in Nantes - Meeting the remarkable Le Grand Éléphant in Jules Verne’s hometown.
The Garden
Sufi is an invitation to pass through a gate—a rabbit's hole. Once on the other side, the masks fall away,
The Great Storyteller
No words can describe this Once in a Lifetime exhibition of Brueghel at Vienna’s Kunsthistorisches Museum, featuring 30 of the
My Teachers
I once thought I was a music teacher for children. What a great mistake. They have always been my greatest
This year, with the theater company 'Le Voyageur Debout,' I had the opportunity to play the role of Madame Lavellie,
Among books
Among books, I feel at home. Touching books, I feel like I'm caressing friends.
The Solution of Spring
The house was filled with cups,plates, vases, and teapots,stacked from floor to ceiling. She cared for them, or rather,struggled against the
All Hands
All handsopen towards the oceanand close towards nothing. All the wavesbreak betweenmy feet. Sometimes, dancing,the Atlanticengulfs me. m.p.*
The Vertical Smile
My feet are a boatsliding through the galleryof an infinite exhibition. In my hands,the brush. Today I painted the vertical smileof a
Hondurian Vodoo
I hurt my hands from playing the drum so much, and my dancer friend from Honduras told me: keep playing,
A strange magic
Strange magic of the theater, that weaves a fabric that shields a world where every dream and every emotion can
Changing skin
To change skin, to change horizon as well. To eat a peach with the eyes.