I believe we may have overlooked the most significant news of the year: a new neighborhood has been discovered in Çatalhöyük, the Neolithic city in southern Anatolia, often referred to as “the first known city in the world.”
Despite attempts by many to reshape our understanding of history, brilliant scholars have provided compelling evidence that for much of our existence, humans have thrived in nonviolent, earth-centered, egalitarian, Goddess-centered communities. These societies practiced sustainable agriculture and architecture, created beautiful art, and showed deep respect for all forms of life.
In these communities, there are no signs of aggression, weapons, fortifications, or hierarchies. They were not founded on fear but on a profound trust and adoration for the cyclical nature of life—Birth, Death, and Regeneration—symbolized by the image of the Goddess. This concept transcends gender, embodying the infinite, life-giving, regenerative, and nurturing power of the Source from which all things arise.
What revelations will this new discovery bring?
Whoever has eyes to see, let them see. 🤲
For more insights, check out the article here.
Additionally, Marija Gimbutas’s remarkable book, The Living Goddesses, offers a deep dive into this fascinating subject, filled with well-researched information. Ultimately, all this knowledge resides within our DNA. 😃🌺