The Loving Touch

A multi sensorial journey
through the dimension of touch


TOUCH is not only the way we connect to each other.
Breathing is the way the air touches our body.
Sight is the way we touch the world.
Gravity is the way the Earth touches us.

Touch is a precious gift of whose mystery and potential we are not fully aware sometimes. Touch can be an extraordinary source of pleasure and discovery, but also a powerful tool to transmit presence.

We invite you on a tantric journey that will open up our senses and awareness of basic human experiences that we’ve unlearned how to experience with totality. The voluptuousness of discovering a texture with our hands. The lightness of surrendering to be touched by music. The anticipation of a caress. The innocence and happiness that arise when we give consent from our heart.

In this safe and playful space, we will explore the conscious touch, the poetic touch, the loving touch, the universal touch, and finally reach the understanding that WE ARE LOVE.

The body is a mystery in the whole of existence, this mystery needs to be loved.
