Ecstasy Symphony

The eternal dance of the polarities


When our vital needs or our emotional desires are fulfilled, we feel pleasure. The experience of △ Inner Ecstasy ▽, however, goes much further. It is a state of Deep Joy, Contentment and Inner Fullness, which words cannot describe.
This joyful explosion of Completeness can only be activated when everything we are is included, accepted and invited. Just like in order to make a great cake you need every one of the ingredients, including that tiny pinch of salt.

Reality has been described by the ancient Tantric texts as a dance of two main “ingredients”: Shiva (Consciousness) and Shakti (Energy). This metaphor helps us get closer to something that cannot be defined, but only lived firsthand. And, like with every cake, the experience of Inner Ecstasy is different for everyone.

In this stage of Dynamic Tantra, we will experience the natural free flow of Energy and Awareness to ultimately discover our own Fullness. With a playful, creative and soulful approach, we invite you to blossom in the space of Meditation and to create your own version of Ecstasy.

The path of Tantra means confronting existence as it is, and not as we would like it to be or have been told it is, in order to find Contentment and Fullness: our Inner Ecstasy, our natural state of enjoying, loving and creating beauty.

We will use individual and group tantric techniques and the power of rituals (which unite the inner and the outer realms, the Sky and the Earth) to anchor experiences of ultimate ecstasy within us. Once the connection is made with what we truly are, we can begin to experience this Fullness in our daily life.

Ecstatic states are accessible. And you do not have to spend years meditating on mountaintops or alone in dark caves to experience ecstasy and harness its vibrant energy. Somewhere along our journey of awakening, with all its struggles, joys and disappointments, ecstasy will be revealed, as a confirmation, a blessing, a message from the Source. Then, all that remains is to live with joy, love and laughter.
Margot Anand, The Art of Everyday Ecstasy.
